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This is a challenge run of Final Fantasy 5. Instead of being able to use all Jobs, you get four Jobs to use throughout the game. You may only use these four Jobs.
You may play any version of Final Fantasy 5. Super Famicom, PlayStation 1, Game Boy Advance, the delisted Steam/Mobile versions, and Pixel Remaster. We recommend genuine releases. No support is available for issues with modded or illegally obtained versions.
This type of run assigns jobs from each Crystal.
Job 1 will come from the Wind Crystal.
Job 2 from the Water Crystal.
Job 3 from the Fire Crystal.
Job 4 from the Earth Crystal.
This type of run leans towards early available jobs.
Job 1 will come from the Wind Crystal.
Job 2 will come from the Wind or Water Crystal.
Job 3 will come from the Wind, Water, or Fire Crystal.
Job 4 will come from the Wind, Water, Fire, or Earth Crystal.
This type of run leans towards later available Jobs.
Job 1 will come from the Wind, Water, Fire, or Earth Crystal.
Job 2 will come from the Water, Fire, or Earth Crystal.
Job 3 will come from the Fire or Earth Crystal.
Job 4 will come from the Earth Crystal.
This type of run gives out Jobs randomly.
Jobs 1 through 4 will come from any Crystal.
Freelancer and Mime are also available from any Crystal, and will be available regardless of Job Sets.
All Jobs are available.
This set only includes Jobs that can break rods or Jobs that are similar in play style and theme.
This set only includes Jobs that cannot break rods and follow within that play style and theme.
This set will assign two Team 750 Jobs and two Team No 750 Jobs.
This set will enable Duplicates.
This set includes Jobs that were in the original Final Fantasy.
Jobs 1 through 4 can be any of the following jobs.
This set includes Jobs that were in Final Fantasy 3.
Job 1:
Job 2:
Job 3:
Job 4:
These change how you use the assigned Jobs.
Any character can use any of the available jobs. Each Job must be assigned to one character. But you may switch which character is using which Job at any point in the game. Characters may use skills learned through Jobs.
Bartz can only use Job 1. Lenna can only use Job 2. Faris can only use Job 3. Galuf can only use Job 4. Krile can only use Job 4 unless Fifth Job is applied. In that case she may only use the Fifth Job.
Until you unlock a character's Job, they must be a Freelancer.
All four characters must use Job 1. At any point in the game, including never, you may unlock your next Job. Once you do, you may no longer use previous Jobs. All four characters must be the latest unlocked Job. Any learned abilities may be used. But you may not use previous Jobs once a new one is unlocked.
Available for: Typhoon, Volcano, and Meteor Runs.
If selected, this will allow the same Job to be assigned multiple times.
This will give you a new Job to unlock when Krile joins the party. This Job will come from your Job Set, but Run Type will not affect what is chosen.
You must choose one of your previous Jobs to no longer use. This includes that Job's Abilities.
You may not swap between all five Jobs. Only use four.
This will assign you one of the three Advance Jobs. (Gladiator, Oracle, or Cannonneer.) Your Job Set will not affect which one you get.
These are only available in the GBA and old Steam/Mobile versions of the game.
You must choose one of your previous Jobs to no longer use. This includes that Job's Abilities.
If you have chosen Fifth Job and Extra Jobs, you may still only use four of the six Jobs.
Note: Extra Jobs is not available for a Run with Natural Jobs.
After unlocking all Jobs, if you selected Forbidden, there will be an option to “Enter the Void” on your Account Page. When you enter the Void in game, select this and one of your Jobs will be crossed out. You may no longer use this Job. This means you have three Jobs to use. Or, in a Natural Jobs Run, that character becomes a Freelancer and may not use skills learned from their Job.
Note: Forbidden is unavailable for a Run with Upgrade Jobs.
This will increase the chance of getting one or more Berserkers in your party.
This increase rises with the event’s donation total.
Note: There is always a chance of getting a Berserker from the Water Crystal, unless you have selected Team 750, Classic Jobs, or Onion Jobs.
The following is an example of a Regular Run with no options.
All characters must be a Monk.
One character must be a Monk. One character must be a Berserker. The other two may be any combination of Monks and Berserkers.
One character must be a Monk. One character must be a Berserker. One character must be a Beastmaster. The fourth character may be any of those three jobs.
One character must be a Monk. One character must be a Berserker. One character must be a Beastmaster. One character must be a Dragoon.
With Volcano and Meteor runs you can get a Job before you unlocked it. In this case, use Jobs that you do have until you unlock it. If you do not have access to any of your Jobs, continue to use Freelancer only until you get one of your Jobs.
Example 1: Your Job 1 is Red Mage. Since this is not unlocked until the Water Crystal, use Freelancer until the Water Crystal.
Example 2: Your Job 1 is Monk. Your Job 2 is Dragoon. Use Monk only until you get to Job 3. If Job 3 is available to you, use it and Monk. Otherwise use Monk until you get Job 4.
Rods can be broken in FF5. The first time rods are available for purchase, they cost 750 gil.
In a Team No 750 run, don’t let them break rods. They can in a Team 750 run.
Contact revenantkioku.
If this becomes a frequent issue, consider changing the version you are playing.